Triumphant Lutheran Church
"We Grow in Christ to Serve Others"
Our Beliefs

​What does it mean to be a Lutheran?
We believe that the Bible is the God-breathed, written expression of God's own heart and hands continually at work all throughout the course of history. It does not just "contain" God's Word -- instead, the Bible IS God's Word. Although the Scriptures were written by men, they are neither of men nor from men, but from God.
The words of Scripture are the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
We believe in two Sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion. In Holy Baptism, God makes an eternal claim on us, and initiates for us a life lived in relationship with Him. Holy Baptism is the one indelible event in our lives that will forever tell us who we are, whose we are, and how we are to live. In Holy Communion, we join our Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and Episcopal sisters and brothers in believing that Christ is truly present to us in the bread and wine. Holy Communion is celebrated at every weekend worship gathering of this congregation, and all are welcomed to the Lord's Table.
God’s love declares that all people are valued and loved, and here at Triumphant Lutheran Church, we seek to share that amazing news with everyone we meet. Our hope is that you will feel welcome here, whether you are a visitor, a friend who attends regularly, a future member, or a current member. Since our beginnings in 1979, we’ve been driven by the same idea of helping everyone to "grow in Christ to serve others."