Triumphant Lutheran Church
"We Grow in Christ to Serve Others"

​Dinner at 5:45pm
Activities at 6:30pm
On Wednesday evenings from late August through May, you will find a variety of activities for all ages!
Elementary kids will connect with their peers on the playground and experience the Bible brought to life through age-appropriate lessons.
7th and 8th graders join the confirmation program and learn how God is working in their life, starting to articulate their faith, Scripture, and how God has created them.
High Schoolers will engage with the Bible through imaginative storytelling, creative reflection, and dialogue.
The Creative Blessings Craft Group gathers in the library, so bring a project and join together!
The Choir meets in the Sanctuary to prepare music for worship!
There are Adult study classes that meet occasionally!

​​​Share a meal with others!
Feed your body, then feed your soul!
We look forward to getting together!